Board of Directors

Dear colleagues and co-workers,

Since the day we were founded, we have aimed to be the best in the sectors we operate in by preserving our values. In order to achieve this goal, we, as the entire Emay family, must constantly keep the necessary technological equipment, systematic working environment, sufficient capital and human resources up-to-date.
The point we are at increases our responsibility even more. Carrying out innovative and successful work in every field we operate in and seeing that the results of these work positively contribute to our country and the world is the greatest reward for us.

As Emay A.Ş., we are at the forefront of the sectors we operate in with the passion and expertise we display in the projects we undertake and continue to do what is thought to be impossible and produce solutions.

We act carefully and strategically when planning our future; we prioritize sustainable growth in the activities we carry out. We will continue to demonstrate Emay expertise by carefully expanding our activities at home and abroad. We should be proud of what we have achieved, and we should also be proud of what we plan to achieve in the future.
We are always grateful to our colleagues, business partners and stakeholders who are part of the Emay family. As an indication of the value we give to our relationship, we will always continue to do our best. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our business partners and employees.

Best Regards,

Chairman of the Board of Directors